100% Recyclable

By |2018-07-06T09:44:39-04:0020 September 2017|Comments Off on 100% Recyclable

Drones and autonomous cars are the future.
How is packaging implicated in all of this?
What are the latest trends in packaging today?

Protective packaging itself has become the North American trend, due to high technology production coming back to Canada, the USA, and Mexico. This has increased the demand for custom protective packaging in corrugated, foam, and wooden crates. That being said, drones will need specific packaging designs that are compact, light, and fit to future drone shipment specifications. This includes insulation and cushioning where needed. As for the environment, it is evident that the world has to adapt to more recycled materials that result in less carbon emissions. Companies will chase the savings and there is savings in recycling. Take for example our Revive line. It is 100% recyclable foam before and after production. Not only is it better for the environment, but it reduces overall costs in packaging.

Finding ways to improve the environment, reduce packaging sizes, and creating lighter packages will increase revenue and reduce costs. It is a trend but it is also good business sense.

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